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Dust Free Bio-Fighter

Ultraviolet Light Air Cleaners / Germicidal UV Air Purifiers
Welcome to UV Air Purifiers - UV / Germicidal UV light and UV air purifiers sanitizers

We stock the most popular Dust Free Bio-Fighter UV lamps and ship same or next day.
Orders Shipping from Dust Free are usually shipping within 10 to 17 business days.

UVC light kills bacteria, viruses, & mold


Bio-Fighter Replacement Bulbs

Dust Free Bio-Fighter Replacement Bulbs / Germicidal UV lamps

Replacement Genuine OEM UVC Lamps for Dust Free Bio-Fighter LightStick, Triad HO, Nomad, Lennox Plus, MicroPure MX4 , Air Knight, Top Tech, Clean Comfort and all other Dust Free manufactured UV Light Systems. The life of most UV lamps is 9000 hours / 375 days. Even if it still burns after 9000 hours it looses it's UV eradication power and should be replaced.

UV kills bacteria, viruses, & mold

Bio-Fighter UV

Dust Free Bio-Fighter UV-C Light Systems

Mounts in the duct system to control harmful bacteria, viruses, yeast, and mold, where they start, in the HVAC system. Superior technology and quality control, the Bio-Fighter germicidal ultraviolet light systems provide you the performance to solve your indoor air quality problems. The germicidal ultraviolet light systems available in several models and configurations from residential to industrial.

UV kills bacteria, viruses, & mold

Germicidal UV light kills mold, viruses, and bacteria
UV Air Purifiers Offer Asthma and Allergy Relief

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Dust Free Bio-Fighter

UV disinfection systems, (Germicidal Ultraviolet Light), commercial and residential UV air purifiers, literally sterilize microorganisms. UVC reduces or eliminates germs such as mold, viruses, bacteria, fungi, and mold spores from the indoor air of homes, offices, basements, commercial buildings, Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioner Systems, ensuring a much better indoor air quality.
UV light has been proven for decades to effectively disinfect air, surfaces and water. UV air cleaners can help your family, students or employees live, work or study in a healthier environment, especially  sufferers from allergy, asthma, and or other respiratory diseases.

Standard Air purifiers have a fundamental flaw. They rely on air being pulled through the unit in order to clean it. This creates an ineffective, high energy cost air purifier. UV air purifiers utilize a new generation of technology. UV technology does not reply on filters or air passing through the air purifier. This technology simply produces a blanket of redundant oxidizers that not only clean your air, but sanitize surfaces as well eliminating the pollutants.

What does a UV light do?
A germicidal UV light system can significantly reduce the amount of viable airborne micro-organisms found on surfaces, in the air, and in HVAC units. UVC eliminates molds, bacteria, yeasts, and viruses. These are naturally occurring contaminants that infiltrate every home and office on this planet. Micro-organisms are living creatures that are so small a microscope is required to view them. HEPA air cleaners are efficient enough to capture many molds and bacteria, but the micro-organisms remain alive, continuing to grow and reproduce directly on the filtration media.

What are the primary benefits?
UV-C light will significantly reduce the amount of microbials in ductwork and air space, helping to reduce possible health problems associated with inhaling microbials. UV-C light is also beneficial in keeping HVAC coils free of mold which increases system efficiency.

What is the importance of UV-C light products for indoor environments?
Overall, people spend 90% of their time indoors, in a "closed" environment with little or no exchange of outside air. Such an environment can become a breeding ground for potentially harmful pathogens, and in high numbers, can prove hazardous to human health.

What is UV light?
UV stands for Ultra-Violet light. Ultraviolet light represents the frequency of light between 200 nanometers (nm) and 400nm and cannot be seen with the naked eye. Within the UV spectrum lie three distinct bands of light: UV-A, UV-B, and UV-C. Longwave UV light (315nm to 400nm), or UV-A, refers to what we commonly call "black light." UV-B (280nm to 315nm), or midrange UV, causes sunburn. Germicidal UV light (200nm to 280nm), or UV-C, is effective in microbial control. Research has demonstrated that within this UV-C band the most efficient frequency for microbial destruction is between 254nm and 265nm. Germicidal lamps that produce the majority of their output in this range will be the most effective in microbial control/destruction.

How does ultraviolet light work?
UV-C light penetrates the cell walls of the microbe, causing cellular or genetic damage. The affected microbe is neutralized or becomes unable to reproduce. Intensity and exposure time will determine how quickly a susceptible microbe is disabled by UV-C light.
Ultraviolet light possesses just the right amount of energy to break organic molecular bonds. As micro-organisms pass by the UV rays radiated from the ultraviolet lamp, this bond breakage translates into cellular or genetic damage for micro-organisms, such as germs, viruses, bacteria, fungi (like molds), etc. This results in the destruction of the micro-organisms.

Do I still need an air filter?
Yes and no. Stand alone purifiers may or may not have filters. An induct UV light system is designed to be used in addition to a dust filter or electronic air cleaner and the filtration of dust particles will also aid in keeping the bulb(s) of the UV light system clean. However, filters are inefficient at dealing with microscopic bacteria, molds, and viruses and are incapable of preventing mold from growing on a surface. A UV-C Light System contributes significantly to the reduction of the small microbial organisms that pass through filters and into the general air stream. Proper placement of a UV light system above the coil, or a surface area prone to microbial growth aids in reducing the amount of viable microbes on that surface.

How long do the lamps last?
The Dust Free Bio-Fighter UV-C light bulbs have a service life of 9,000 hours, or approximately 375 days. Annual replacement of the bulb(s) is recommended. The LightStick Plus, MicroPure, Air Knight and Active UV lamps have a 2 year life. Most UV-C light systems should be left on continuously as turning them on and off ages the bulbs and power supplies.

How much electricity does induct UV-C light use?
Each tube uses approximately the same electricity as a 40-watt light bulb.

How many lamps do you recommend for induct home installations?
One lamp is normally sufficient to control microbial growth on the coils and in the drain pan. The lamp size used should be proportional to the space that is available in the coil and drain pan area. However, since each HVAC system is as different as the building within which it functions, the UV-C Light System most suitable for your needs should be recommended and installed by a professional trained in UV-C light use and application.

Why should I consider installing a UV light?
Indoor air can be some of the poorest quality air we experience. When we leave our windows shut, air is constantly recirculated throughout our homes. Over time this air can become stagnant and bacteria, molds, yeasts, and viruses more concentrated. These concentrations can cause inflammation of mucous membranes, upper respiratory problems, and aggravate asthma and other breathing ailments. A germicidal
UV light system assists in combating high levels of these micro-organism concentrations.

Could you benefit from healthier air?
Yes. Poor indoor air quality is a problem that affects everyone. Individuals with weakened immune systems, allergies, and asthma benefit the most from improving air quality. Households with children or elderly individuals will also benefit from the improved air quality.
Your HVAC air handling system can operate with more efficiency as the coils, drain pan, and ductwork stay cleaner longer.

Dust Free Bio-Fighter Replacement Bulbs    Replacement Ceramic Ozone Filter Plates

About Mold, Mold Facts     Why Chlorine Bleach is Not Effective in Killing Mold     Particles and their size in microns

Bio-Fighter Dust Free

UV Air Purifiers Offer Asthma and Allergy Relief

An Effective Germicidal UV Air Cleaner
The stuff floating in the air is 80% dead skin and over 350 different allergy producing air pollutants and contaminants, including cigarette, cigar and pipe smoke, germs, bacteria, viruses, mold, mildew and fungi, pollen, house dust and dust mites, odors from smoke, pets, mold, mildew, exhaust fumes, food, body sweat, chemical gases (formaldehyde, benzene, etc.) from new carpets, furniture, cleaning products, solvents, furnishings, dry cleaning and construction.

Easy Breathing with UV Air Purifiers
The effects of breathing this allergy producing air pollution include dizziness, irritability, coughing, sneezing, dry eyes, hay fever, allergies, asthma symptoms, sinus problems, ear infections, depression, fatigue, headaches, nausea, breathing problems, respiratory infections, etc.

Healthier Employees with Air Cleaners
In fact, according to the Environmental Protection Agency:

ultraviolet air purifier

UV Facts - Germicidal UV Light
About Ultraviolet (UV) Light Used for Air Disinfection by Edward A. Nardell, M. D. Harvard Medical School

What is UV or ultraviolet light? Ultraviolet light is part of the spectrum of electromagnetic energy generated by the sun. The full spectrum includes, in order increasing energy, radio waves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, x-rays, gamma rays and cosmic rays. Since UV is not visible, it is technically not "light", but use of the term "ultraviolet light" is so widespread that, it will be used here. Most sources of light generate some UV. For air disinfection, UV is generated by electric lamps that resemble ordinary fluorescent lamps.
What is germicidal UV?
This is UV of a specific type (253.7nm wavelength) known to kill airborne germs that transmit infections from person to person within buildings. Germicidal UV is aimed at the upper room air so that only airborne microbes are directly exposed. Room occupants are exposed only to low levels of reflected UV - levels below that known to cause eye irritation. Germicidal UV has been used safely and effectively in hospitals, clinics and laboratories for more than 60 years. UV does not prevent transmission of infections (e.g. colds) by direct person to person contact.
Is UV harmful? We are all exposed to the UV in sunlight. UV exposure can be very harmful, or harmless, depending on the type of UV, the type of exposure, the duration of exposure, and individual differences in response to UV. There are the following types of UV based on the wave length measured in nanometers (nm):
ultraviolet with wavelength below 200nm is known as Vacuum UV or UV V.
(200 - 280nm) - Also known as "shortwave" UV, UVC or C-band UV includes germicidal (253.7nm wavelength) UV used for air disinfection. Unintentional overexposure causes transient redness and eye irritation, but does NOT cause skin cancer or cataracts.
UV-B (280 -315nm) - A small, but dangerous part of sunlight. Most solar UV-B is absorbed by the diminishing atmospheric ozone layer. Prolonged exposure is responsible for some type of skin cancer, skin aging, and cataracts (clouding of the lens of the eye).
(315 - 400nm) - Longwave UV, also known as "blacklight", the major type of UV in sunlight, responsible for skin tanning, generally not harmful, used in medicine to treat certain skin disorders.

Dust Free Bio-Fighter

UV Health Facts

Why is UV-B harmful while UV-C (germicidal UV) is not? The difference has to do with the ability of UV rays to penetrate body surfaces. UVC has an extremely low penetrating ability. It is nearly completely absorbed by the outer, dead layer of the skin (stratum corneum) where it does little harm. It does reach the most superficial layer of the eye where overexposure can cause irritation, but it does not penetrate to the top of the lens of the eye and can not cause cataracts. UVC is completely stopped by the ordinary eye glasses and by ordinary clothing.

How much UV exposure is considered safe? The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has established safe exposure levels for each type of UV. These safe exposure limits are set below the levels found to cause eye irritation, eye being the body part most sensitive to UV. For germicidal UV (253.7nm) the irradiance limit is set to 0.2 W/cm.

How can people be certain they are not overexposed to UV? When upper room UV is first installed it must be checked with a sensitive UV meter to make sure reflected UV is less than 0.2 W/cm at eye level. UV air cleaners must be installed well above eye level - usually 7 feet above the floor. UV tubes (lamps) within the air cleaners should not be directly visible from within 30 feet. Safety is assured if UV measurements at eye level meet NIOSH standards.

What are the symptoms and signs of UV overexposure? UV overexposure  causes an eye inflammatory condition known as photokeratitis. For 6 to 12 hours after an accidental overexposure the individual may feel nothing unusual, followed by the abrupt sensation of foreign body or "sand" in the eyes, redness of the skin around the eyes, some light sensitivity, tearing, and eye pain. The acute symptoms last 6 to 24 hours and resolve completely without long-term effects. Overexposure of the skin resembles sunburn but does not result in tanning.

What precautions are needed with overhead germicidal UV? Fixtures must be turned OFF when cleaning, inspecting or changing the lamps. Persons hypersensitive to sunlight may need to wear protective glasses, clothing or use sunscreen on exposed skin. No special protection is needed for most people.

ultraviolet air purifier, air cleaner

UV Light Air Purifier Facts & Studies

Bio-Fighter Dust Free UV

Healthier Employees with UV Air Cleaners

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) says Indoor Air Pollution
is the number one health problem in America.

The average person spends 90% of his or her time indoors where the air may be 5 to 100 times more polluted than outside air. With a home air purifier electronic air cleaner we can clean your air. We offer air purification systems with a variety of technologies, sizes and designs. Our electronic air cleaner or portable air purifier helps you in poor air quality environments.

In fact, according to the Environmental Protection Agency:

The House of Representatives has called indoor air pollution our greatest environmental health problem. Some of the most polluted air you breathe isn't downtown, but inside your home and office! And according to the World Health Organization, 40% of all buildings pose a serious health hazard due to indoor air pollution, know as Sick Building Syndrome.

"According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 60% of IAQ problems and allergies may be mold related." Source: Air Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration News, "A cure for the dreaded Dirty Socks Syndrome" April 5, 1999, pp. 24-25.

ultraviolet air purifier, air cleaner, ionizer

UV Lamps in HVAC Reduces Worker Sickness
(From HVAC Insider, National Edition, 1st quarter 2004)

In a study published in the Lancet medical journal, Canadian scientists found that by using ultraviolet lamps to kill germs in ventilation systems, worker sickness was reduced by about 20 percent, including a 40 percent drop in breathing problems.

About 70 percent of the work force in North America and Western Europe work indoors, and have frequently unexplained health problems such as irritation of the eyes, throat and nose, as well as respiratory illnesses.

Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation, or UVGI, is sometimes used in hospital ventilation systems to disinfect the air but is rarely incorporated into office or other building ducts because there has been little evidence of a benefit.

In the study, ultraviolet lamps were installed in the ventilation systems of Montreal office buildings near the cooling coils and drip pans. The lamps were turned on for four weeks, then off for 12 week periods for almost a year.

The use of the UV lamps resulted in a 20 percent overall reduction in all symptoms for some workers; and a 40 percent reduction in respiratory symptoms and a 30 percent reduction in mucous problems. With the lights switched on, the frequency of muscle complaints among nonsmokers halved and the incidence of work-related breathing problems among them dropped by nearly 60 percent. The benefits were greatest for workers with allergies and for people who had never smoked.

According to Dr. Dick Menzies, the study's leader, "Installation of UVGI in most North American offices could resolve work-related symptoms in about 4 million employees, caused by (germ) contamination of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems." He also added, "The cost of UVGI installation could in the long run prove cost-effective compared with the yearly losses from absence because of building-related illnesses."

Physicians are now discovering that the solution to the problems of many of these people is not in medicine but in reducing the pollutants in the air people breathe. But mere filtration is insufficient. Filters only create a breeding ground for pathogens, like molds, bacteria and dust mites and do nothing to combat chemicals or odors.

Medical studies using germicidal ultra-violet air disinfection have proven effective in reducing the spread of tuberculosis, measles, influenza, smallpox, and controlling infection in operating rooms.

"According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 60% of IAQ problems and allergies may be mold related." Source: Air Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration News, "A cure for the dreaded Dirty Socks Syndrome" April 5, 1999, pp. 24-25.

"Common bacteria are now so resistant to antibiotics that they can kill." Source: US News & World Report, "Losing the Battle of the Bugs", May 10, 1999, pp. 52-60.

induct ultraviolet air purifier

UV Lamps Reduce Worker Sickness

This study tested 771 employees in three different office buildings. The UV lights, which were installed in the ventilation system, were operated in three cycles of four weeks on, twelve weeks off. Measurements showed a 99% reduction of germs on irradiated surfaces inside the ventilation system.

During some weeks, there was a 40% reduction in respiratory symptoms, and a 30% reduction in mucous problems in individuals examined. When the lights were activated, muscle complaints among nonsmokers were reduced by 50%, and work-related breathing problems decreased by 60%.

Ultraviolet light kills bacteria, viruses, & mold

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) says Indoor Air Pollution is the number one health problem in America. Peak Pure Air wants you to breathe better!

The average person spends 90% of his or her time indoors where the air may be 5 to 100 times more polluted than outside air. With a home air purifier electronic air cleaner or an indoor air purifier, Peak Pure Air can clean your air. We offer air purification systems with a variety of technologies, sizes and designs. Our electronic air cleaner or portable air purifier helps you in poor air quality environments.

UV kills bacteria, viruses, & mold

Bio-Fighter Replacement Bulbs    Bio-Fighter UV Systems

Bio-Fighter UV Light System Sizing Chart

Facts About Indoor Air Quality    Particles and their size in microns    Replacement Ceramic Ozone Filter Plates

About Mold, Mold Facts     Why Chlorine Bleach is Not Effective in Killing Mold

Dust Free Bio-Fighter UV

While some of our products are designed to remove smoke and odors, we do not claim
they remove all of the harmful effects caused by smoking or second hand smoke.
Product claims and descriptions have been evaluated and approved by the appropriate product manufacturer.

Bio-Fighter Dust Free UV

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